Candiru – The fish that can swim up your penis?

Candiru picture

Imagine the situation – you are taking an evening dip in the Amazon River (for some unknown reason?!). Suddenly you feel it. A strange wiggling sensation inside the “old chap” followed by an excruciatingly intense pain. What has just happened is you have been the victim of a candiru attack. Also known as the toothpick or vampire … Read more

Most Dangerous Animals in Africa

Nile crocodile

Much of Africa could be considered fairly dangerous by western standards and to be honest, the wildlife in Africa is probably the least likely thing that will kill you. In general African animals are far more at risk from humans that visa versa. That said there is no denying that Africa is home to some of the … Read more

Black Bear attacks

American black bear

The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is one of three species of bear found in North America, the others being the polar bear and brown bear. It is the most widely distributed of these species found from the north of Florida right up through Canada and into Alaska. Although far from being rare black bears tend to actively … Read more

Most disgusting human parasites

New World Screw-Worm Fly larva

For the majority of us reading this a brush with a parasite will be a fairly unremarkable episode. Hey, we’ve all had head lice, fleas and the odd case of worms – oh, maybe that’s just me. The point is these are generally just an irritation and not much more. The collection of human parasites I’ve … Read more

Worlds 10 Deadliest Snakes

Saw-scaled viper

Every year somewhere between 20,000 and 125,000 people die from snake bites. This makes them by far the most dangerous group of vertebrates on Earth. Like all lists on Planet Deadly there is some balancing here of what criteria actually define the world’s deadliest snakes. Other lists on various websites should probably be more accurately titled as … Read more

The 10 Most Dangerous Sharks

Sand Tiger Shark / Grey Nurse

Few animals instill quite the same fear as sharks. As apex predators many types of sharks are well equipped to inflict serious injury; large, fast, powerful and armed with row upon row of razor sharp teeth these fish are finely honed killing machines. Yet with around 400 shark species it is only a tiny minority that … Read more

Most Dangerous Animals in Europe

Wild boar

As demonstrated by our article on the most dangerous animals in the UK you have to dig pretty hard to find anything too scary in most of Europe and even then the term ‘dangerous’ is pretty relative.  However, through diligent research I have found around fifteen animals that have been known to kill humans and can be … Read more

The Most Venomous Animals in the World

Blue-Ringed Octopus

It seems that our fears of animals are based around two main themes; there are those with the big pointy teeth that are just looking for an excuse to eat us alive and there are those that, whilst seemingly innocuous, pack a secret weapon so deadly that half the world seem to have a phobia … Read more

Most dangerous sea creatures

Great barracuda

Covering 70% of the world’s surface the sea is home to some of the most unusual, mysterious and deadly animals on the planet. As humans are not native to the oceans this makes us easy pickings for many of these creatures, although thankfully we are largely off the menu.. As someone who has spent plenty … Read more

Australia’s Most Dangerous Animals

Saltwater crocodile

It seems to be pretty widely accepted that as soon as you step of the plane Down Under your life expectancy plummets due Australia’s wealth of deadly animals. Inland are some of the most venomous creatures to be found anywhere, whilst the coasts are stalked by some of the biggest predators on the planet. If that … Read more