10 Most Dangerous Spiders in the World

Brazilian wandering spider

Arachnophobia (the fear of spiders) affects around 5% of the population including celebrities as diverse as Justin Timberlake and JK Rowling. Whilst both statistically and factually there is very little to fear from most spiders these little eight-legged critters do seem to have reserved a special place in the human psyche. It is true that all … Read more

The Biggest Big Cat – Ever

Siberian tiger

As the name suggests, big cats are, well big cats! But which of all the cats is the biggest? And what was the biggest cat ever to stalk the Earth? First of all let’s define what a big cat is. We’re not talking about Mr Tibbles, next door’s tabby who’s eaten too much Kitty-Nibbles! There … Read more

10 Deadliest Man Eating Animals


Back in prehistoric times being eaten alive by some sort of ravenous beast was an everyday risk. Thankfully, since then things have improved somewhat for most of us – getting hit by a bus is probably the modern equivalent of being torn apart by wolves. However, there are still far flung places and environments beyond … Read more

Most Dangerous Animals in Asia

Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis)

For those of you who’ve seen the Jungle Book then you’re halfway there on this one. We’ve got snakes, bears and even tigers, but there’s also a few even nastier deadly animals to be found across the vast continent of Asia. Stretching from the deserts of the Middle East to the steamy jungles of South … Read more

Wolverine Facts (or can a wolverine kill a man?)

wolverine - gulo gulo

Appearing more like a small bear, the wolverine is in fact more of a weasel on steroids. This stocky little beast is the stuff of legends. Along with a voracious appetite it has a reputation for unmatched ferocity and apparently fears nothing. Pound for pound few other animals can match the wolverine for strength or … Read more

Most Dangerous Animal in North America

Grizzly Bear

On the deadly scale, the continent of North America is somewhere in the middle. Probably even on the safe side. But don’t let that lul you into a false sense of security. There are quite a few dangerous animals both big and small roaming the wilds of the USA and Canada. To cram in the … Read more

Sydney Funnel Web Spider Facts

Sydney funnel-web spider

The Sydney funnel web spider (Atrax robustus) is widely regarded as the most dangerous spider in Australia, if not the World. It is actually responsible for many less bites than the also notorious redback spider. However, whilst both are potentially lethal the funnel web has a stronger venom which it is much more capable of … Read more

Shark Attack Statistics

Tiger Shark fishing

The tables below list the recorded unprovoked* shark attacks from around the world since records began in 1580. They have been aggregated and are held by the International Shark Attack File (ISAF). The ISAF, the longest running authority on shark attacks, has a long-term scientifically documented database containing information on all known shark attacks, and … Read more

Most Painful Insect Stings – The Schmidt Pain Index

Paper wasp

Ever wondered what insect might have the most painful sting? You’re probably thinking there isn’t a definitive answer. Some people might think a hornet has a more painful sting  than a harvester ant, but how would they know if they hadn’t been stung by both of them? So there isn’t really a way of ranking … Read more

Bull Shark Facts

Dead bull shark

The bulls shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is considered by many to be the most dangerous shark to humans on the planet. So why does it not have quite such a notorious rep as its cousins, the more great white and tiger sharks? Well, read on and we might just be able to change your minds. Common name … Read more