Most Poisonous Mushrooms

Fly agaric - Amanita muscaria

Everybody knows that for most of us going into the woods to pick and eat a random selection of toadstools and mushrooms is pretty much like playing Russian roulette – it’s been drummed into us since we were reading fairy tales. The point is unless you are an absolute expert on gathering mushrooms you should … Read more

The Deadliest Infectious Diseases


As far as I am aware there is no such thing as a good diseases but believe me some are worse than others. Whilst it is a ecological necessity that infectious disease pathogens evolve to spread more efficiently there is no obvious reason why some of them wreak such horrific deaths on their hosts. You … Read more

Deadliest Poisons Used by Man

Polonium 210

Since time began humans have looked for more and more effective ways of killing and maiming each other. For this end poison has always been a popular, if not a little sophisticated, choice. Even back in ancient times the rich, powerful and unpopular would employ a food taster to check whether their goat’s head soup … Read more